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How We Help
Are you a leader or team member looking for real Leadership Wellbeing & Performance solutions that go beyond the "same-old, same old”?
Are you part of an organization or team that needs to grow your communication, leadership & personal mastery skills WITHOUT losing sight of need for tangible ROI and real-world outcomes?
If so, you are in the right place.
Let’s be honest: There is a BIG difference between going to trainings and “talking about” Leadership Wellbeing & Performance…versus actually learning the skills needed to successfully integrate transformational leadership principles in ways that are fun, engaging and directly drive bottom-line results.
The nature of today's workplace is changing—along with the needs of today’s employees and teams—and one simple fact remains…
‘If you do what you've always done, you'll likely get what you've always gotten.'
So how does EQ Consulting help?
We help leaders, teams and organizations grow their results, responsibility and ROI by:
Increasing embodied self-awareness
Using a whole person approach to Leadership Wellbeing & Human Performance by integrating Philosophy, Passion & Practice™
Growing key leadership qualities (e.g., communication, collaboration, ability to easily receive & integrate feedback)
Enhancing in-the-moment situational awareness that increases clear, grounded decision-making
Finding creative ways to solve complex, real-world problems
Let's be honest: Old methods for addressing and improving Leadership Wellbeing & Human Performance inside organizations have not met the needs of today’s businesses, teams, leaders or workforce.
The deeper question is ‘Why?’
Simply put, too many approaches try to force people and systems to change ‘from the outside in’ by adding unnecessary rules, regulations and restrictions on behavior.
While this approach may have been well-intentioned, it ignores a simple truth: This is not how people change, grow or improve. Being “pushed” to change can often be perceived as being forced, rather than respectfully engaged, encouraged & empowered.
At EQ Consulting, we invite people and systems to change ‘from the inside out’. How? By offering our clients and their teams highly experiential learning environments that help them discover the answers that were already within. Moreover, we do so using high-touch solutions that are always safe, professional and specifically designed to add value to the bottom-line of both your people and your organization.
Ready to finally experience the next level of your own success? If so, let’s talk.
How Our Solution Works
The EQ Consulting solution integrates core aspects of leadership, executive coaching, neuroscience, equine-assisted learning and human optimization.
The solution helps participants:​
Reduce barriers to results in ways that are simultaneously safe, non-threatening and fun, while also presenting unique challenges and opportunities for growth
Know what it's like to finally experience clear communication between themselves & their team members
Engage at their own pace and speed without sacrificing legitimate, real-world leadership growth & development
Regain a genuine sense of personal power & trust
Easily transition from a problems-focused mindset to a solutions-oriented approach
Worried about interacting with horses? Don't be. All activities involving human-horse interactions are safe, simply and grounded (i.e., unmounted with no horse-riding allowed or required). This is what's behind the motto that our solutions engage "Horses as Guides and Nature as the Classroom.”